St George's Hill Golf Club
Charged via Batch Charge.
Entry via Google Forms (sign-up will be possible mid May), with the Office handling iG entry
Best 2 from 4 Team Stableford (85% of Course Handicap) Men = YELLOW & Ladies = RED Tees.
Best Two Stableford Scores to Count Per Hole – Play Your Own Card and Stroke Indexes
Maximum Playing Handicap Men = 28, Ladies = 36
£TBA per couple/pair. Paid for by SGH member.
This is a non-qualifying competition for handicap purposes.
The start sheet will be converted from individual to Teams nearer the day of play.
(NB. The players & Tee times will remain the same).
If you have any questions, please contact Jon (jon@stgeorgeshillgolfclub.co.uk).
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